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The Find Your Freedom Program
Welcome! Here is Your Introduction to Your Program!
Welcome to the Find Your Freedom Program! (5:56)
How to Get the Most Out of This Program (8:00)
Session 1: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs (23:58)
Create Your Deservability (unlocks in 1 week)
Session 2: Create Your Deservability (29:05)
Partner with Your Future Successful Self (Unlocks in 2 weeks)
Session 3: Partner with Your Future Successful Self (22:54)
Level up Your FourSelves: Personal & Professional Relationships (unlocks in 3 weeks)
Session 4: The FourSelves: Transform Your Relationships (33:53)
Fire & Hire Your Mental Team (unlocks in 4 weeks)
Session 5: Fire & Hire Your Mental Team (29:38)
Become Your Own Empowerment Generator ( unlocks in 5 weeks)
Session 6: Become Your Own Empowerment Generator (27:18)
Create Empowered Client Interactions Forever (unlocks in 6 weeks)
Session 7: Create Empowered Client Interactions Forever (18:09)
Create A Culture of Intentionality & Connectivity in Life & Business (unlocks in 7 weeks)
Session 8: Create A Culture of Intentionality and Connectivity in Life and Business (30:05)
Find Your Freedom LIVE Group Coaching recorded sessions
Group Coaching files (1790:16)
More Trainings (182:05)
Become Stuck on Ready 2023 (41:54)
Attracting and Serving Your Ideal Client: tips & strategies (46:49)
NEW! Monetize Your Influence and Take back Control of Your Time (45:11)
How to Create Your E-Book and Prospecting Strategy! (51:25)
How to Create Your Facebook Community (47:20)
CRM-Customer Relationship Management! (43:15)
Build your Business On Your Terms (45:04)
The Entrepreneur Growth Mindset! (50:25)
Master Your Money Mind$et! (43:09)
Closing the Great Divide: Bridging the Gap Between Prospects and Sales (42:00)
How to be Productive, Proactive and Profitable! (47:20)
How to Use A. I. to Grow Your Business (48:13)
How To Craft Your Authentic Brand (44:57)
The Blueprint for Impactful MARKETING! (47:13)
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Session 1: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs
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